Case Analysis and Strategy

The current standards-based reform movement, which emphasizes teaching academic skills to all students, holds promise for students with disabilities.


Our aim is to identify interventions that can teach self-determination and academic skills simultaneously. Upon completion of our comprehensive records review, a baseline report is prepared in order to track the student’s progress in 8 categories:

By tracking a student’s progress we have a better idea of how the IEP with specific goals, services and accommodation are meeting the needs of your student.

When a student is not making academic progress or even regressing in ability, the current IEP goals and/or services are not adequate. Additional assessments, goal development and sometimes, independent educational evaluations are needed to identify and address specific areas of weakness that are interfering with a student’s academic progress.


The Parent  Advocacy Center will help to analyze the student’s educational document file and to prepare a strategy for course correction moving forward.

When a student is not making academic progress or even regressing in ability, the current IEP goals and/or services may not be adequate.
Additional assessments, goal development and sometimes, independent educational evaluations are needed to identify and address specific areas of weakness that are interfering with a student’s academic progress.


We help Navigate the IEP Process.

Understanding your child’s IEP is difficult, But Parent Advocacy Center is here to help.

By analyzing your child’s educational portfolio, we prepare a strategy for success moving forward.